TT The Artist‘s directorial debut feature film Dark City Beneath The Beat, a vibrant musical documentary that delves into the heart of Baltimore's club music and dance culture has returned to streaming platforms. Directed by TT The Artist and produced by Emmy nominated actress Issa Rae and Deniese Davis, founding partner of Color Creative, Dark City Beneath The Beat (Previously, critically acclaimed on Netflix) is an inspiring and powerful tribute to the City of Baltimore creatives.
Originally set to premiere at SXSW 2020, the film's debut was postponed due a global pandemic that led to the historic cancellation of the festival. However, Dark City Beneath The Beat continued to captivate audiences worldwide, streaming in over 40 film festivals, including Hot Docs, Black Star, RIDM, and the Maryland Film Festival. In 2020, the film earned the Best Feature Documentary award at “The Bushwick Film Festival” and a Grand Jury Prize nomination at the American Black Film Festival. Praised as a love letter to Baltimore, it received stellar reviews from critics and was featured in Indiewire, Pitchfork, Variety, Deadline, Timeout, and boasts a 100% Tomatometer rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
At the height of the Hollywood writer’s strike, Dark City Beneath The Beat faced an uphill battle in finding a new distribution home. After a year of waiting and unanswered emails, TT The Artist made a bold decision to reclaim her power, choosing the path of self-distribution.
As the Baltimore and Jersey club music genres rose to dominate the urban and pop music landscape, TT knew this was a pivotal moment. She believed, with unwavering conviction, that Dark City Beneath The Beat needed to be seen, heard, and celebrated—now more than ever. By taking matters into her own hands, she ensured that this vibrant story of culture and resilience would not just find its audience but inspire the world.
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the exciting rhythm and pulse of Baltimore club music once again. Stream Dark City Beneath The Beat on Amazon, Apple Tv, Tubi, Google Play, and Youtube Movies.
Keep track of release dates and film news via or follow @darkcitybmore on instagram