Director's Note:
Presently, I am undergoing my first official documentary film entitled "DARK CITY: BENEATH THE BEAT." This film explores the lives of Baltimore's own thriving dance and music community. This film is not about the history or development of Baltimore Club music, although many of the characters play a major role in the evolution of club music. Starting out, I thought that taking on such a big topic as the evolution of club music would be way to much of a task to accomplish on my own. Instead, I have been building relationships with the community and voices of Baltimore that have shown that there is a budding cultural light shining in Baltimore despite the negative images and stereotypes of the city we are all but to familiar with.
Below are 2 short video teasers I have created enjoy #filminprocess...Much more to come
Presently, I am undergoing my first official documentary film entitled "DARK CITY: BENEATH THE BEAT." This film explores the lives of Baltimore's own thriving dance and music community. This film is not about the history or development of Baltimore Club music, although many of the characters play a major role in the evolution of club music. Starting out, I thought that taking on such a big topic as the evolution of club music would be way to much of a task to accomplish on my own. Instead, I have been building relationships with the community and voices of Baltimore that have shown that there is a budding cultural light shining in Baltimore despite the negative images and stereotypes of the city we are all but to familiar with.
Below are 2 short video teasers I have created enjoy #filminprocess...Much more to come